Tickets are now available for Senior A's spring production on May 31. Early bird pricing is available for a limited time. Tickets are being sold online only.
Testimonial Video - Lien Hua‐Feng
Lien Hua‐Feng is a former member of the Langley Ukulele Ensemble (1995 to 1999) who currently lives and works as a Nurse Practitioner in Los Angeles, California. She reconnected with the group when they performed at the Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival in 2024 and sat down with Peter Luongo and a videographer to share how being a member of the group impacted her life.
She arrived in Langley, BC in 1991, by way of a Malaysian refugee camp, after her parents and six siblings escaped Vietnam by boat (3 years earlier). Her parents worked on a farm when they arrived in Langley. When her family settled in Langley, they were dependent on Food Banks for meals and all members of the family had to work on various farms to support their basic needs. While she attended public school during weekdays, farm chores and homework kept her extremely busy, with little time to spare for the balance of the week.
One school day, she attended a performance by the Langley Ukulele Ensemble. She was awestruck and amazed by the show, and immediately wanted to become a member of the group. Her parents, however, were not supportive of her ambition, as their financial hardships and busy schedules had no room for leisure.
They were not supportive of Lien joining any music program, within or outside of school, so her efforts to join came with much resistance. Lien, however, was persistent and while her experience with her parents was not pleasant, she practiced with determination and consistency and managed to be selected to be part of the performing ensemble.
Lien states that the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable at the time. She took pride in overcoming her parents' abject resistance in her efforts in becoming a member of such an accomplished group of ukulele performing students.
Lien claims that being a member of the ensemble had other major impacts in her life. It provided her a safety net during her high school years. She believes that music was therapeutic and being part of the ensemble provided her comfort away from a stressful home environment. It taught her what it was like to work together as an ensemble and a team player striving for excellence through performances locally and internationally. It taught her the importance of community and gave her comfort in knowing that other members within the community were willing to help her during difficult times as evidenced by other members’ parents who often picked and dropped her off for practices and weekend performances when her parents were not available. The group also enlightened her with various opportunities including fundraising activities, and traveling around the local communities and abroad for festivals, and through these experiences, she made life‐long friendships.
Lien credits the Langley Ukulele Association with providing students like her (who come from different walks of life) a great place to practice and perform music, and to learn the importance of teamwork while striving for life excellence through music. She states that these values learned at such a young age could not have been taught at home, and being in the Senior A Ensemble during her early high school years prepared her for a higher education and who she has become today.
Enjoy the video below!
Lien Hua‐Feng Interview video by:

Looking back on our performance at
James Armstrong Theatre - a new video every day!
For those who couldn't make it to Los Angeles to join us for our concert on Sunday we will be releasing a new video clip every day for the next week on our social media and posting the full video here on our website. (Click on the music note icon in the lower right corner to unmute the video)
Video #7 - Somewhere Over the Rainbow/Wonderful World (with slideshow)

Video #6 - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

Video #5 - Tico Tico

Video #4 - Red Haired Boy

Video #3 - Sir Duke

Video #2 - Surfin' USA

Video #1 - Johnny B Goode

Another wonderful Hawaii trip!
Our Senior A ensemble had an amazing time in Hawaii this year and to return and receive a message like this makes it even more special:
Mahalo Nui Loa, Langley Ukulele Ensemble for another enchanting six nights at the Sheraton Waikiki. In particular, Paul's closing speech on the final night was the best ever. It was great to see Peter back after missing last year. Of course, what really made it again the Greatest (Free) Show on Earth is the 26 fabulous kids, who play every number with their heart and soul. That they take time to mingle with the audience and on the last night stayed to continue playing in the aisle, is icing on this ONOlicious entertainment cake. Can hardly wait for your return in 2025, to again hear SOMETHING LIKE THIS !!!
- Frank

Watch Senior A's performance at Windward Mall (approx 1:15 into video)

5 Generations of Ukulele - what a fantastic night!

A big thank you to Oliver at In View Images for the photos!

Three of our Senior A members were asked to film a promotional video for Tapestry Music. Check out the video above!
Our Mission
"The Langley Ukulele Association is a team of young musicians, ambassadors, volunteers, and alumni who provide opportunities to inspire, model leadership, and demonstrate excellence by enriching lives through entertaining, musical presentations, as well as local and worldwide interactions."